Jewel Davies - Dak`laweidí

JEWEL DAVIES (Yekhunashîn/Khatuku) belongs to the Dakl’awedi (Eagle/Killer Whale) Clan of the Inland Tlingit people. She is a member of the Carcross/Tagish First Nation, was raised in Teslin, Yukon and currently lives in Whitehorse, Yukon. Jewel is the daughter of Lorraine Wolfe and Dwayne Davies. Her maternal grandparents were Sarah Wolfe and Reginald Wolfe, her paternal grandma was Geraldine Davies, and her paternal grandpa is George Davies.
Jewel has graduated from Yukon University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Indigenous Governance. She is passionate about her culture and seeing it become a foundational basis within our governance systems. Jewel has been involved in different Indigenous-led initiatives such as the How We Walk with the Land and the Water initiative, the Yukon First Nations Climate Action Fellowship, and the Illuminating Worldviews initiative, jointly developed by RIVER and the Northern Council for Global Cooperation. Currently, Jewel is working for the Council of Yukon First Nations as the Natural Resources and Implementation Policy Coordinator.